Nomo Energy and Marine Services Limited
Nomo Energy and Marine Services Limited was incorporated under the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on Twenty-Third day of June 2009 with RC NO: 826619 to render quality services in Environmental c o n s u l t a n c y, Wa s t e M a n a g e m e n t , Bioremediation, Oil spill Clean-up, Procurement/Logistics services, Equipment Rental Services and Marine Services, Drilling support services and associated services.
Our Expertise
NEMS Environmental certifications are an affirmation of the company's readiness to deliver environmental management solutions in a challenging and demanding oil and gas and other sectors of the economy.
Our Work Ethics
Nomo Energy and Marine Services keeps a valued workforce that is responsible, Professional, imbued with team spirit and is result oriented.
Our Workforce
The Company has a multi disciplinary workforce and flexible structure to deliver cost effective solutions to our clients
We are determined and focused in providing quality and excellent services to energy, oil & gas and manufacturing industries in Nigeria and beyond.